Group Poems

The class was arranged in groups of two students each. Our assignment was to compose six stanzas. Each stanza used a different literary device such as rhymed couplets, metephors, and even free verse. The poems were passed from group to group where students added their own creative lines to the poem.

Class Of 2011

We used to not know each other,

But then we came together.

And now we are all friends.


I can't wait until 2011.

When I walk out those doors. It'll feel like heaven.


Class causes claustrophobia in crowded corridors!


Our class is like a flock of birds.

Or a cow in many herds.

We will always be together,

Forever and ever.


Our memory's together,  will linger on forever!

But our feeling in our hearts will stay ever!


The time is coming soon!!!